Simple! Term insurance is the most affordable way of ensuring your family will be financially protected in the future if you pass away unexpectedly.
Let’s understand with an example:
Let’s say you are married with a small child. You may have home loans to repay, elderly parents to take care of, child’s education to pay for, and household expenses to meet. On top of that, you are the sole breadwinner of your family.
If you pass away unexpectedly, who will take care of their financial needs? You wouldn’t want them to struggle, would you?
If you have term insurance and you pass away during the policy duration, your family will get a significantly large lump sum insurance money from it which will help them overcome any financial crisis they may face in your absence.
Even if you get no returns, you get peace of mind knowing your loved ones will be taken care of even if you’re not around. Isn’t that reason enough to buy term insurance?
If you need a bit more convincing, find out in detail why you should buy term insurance.