When you are applying for a term insurance plan, the life insurance company will assess a lot of factors before offering you a term plan at a certain premium. This process is called underwriting in insurance. Depending on those factors, the premium amount can be different from the applied premium.
Let’s look at these factors:
● Age - The younger you are, the cheaper are your premiums likely to be. Find out if you should buy term insurance now or wait.
● Gender - Women typically have a good chance of getting term insurance at a low premium
● Medical history - If you have any medical conditions such as diabetes, cancer, or heart disease, your premium may increase
● Unnecessarily long policy duration - If you opt for a policy duration beyond your age of retirement, you will end up paying a higher premium. Find out until what age you should ideally be covered.
● Unhealthy lifestyle - Unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, or a sedentary lifestyle can affect your health and increase your premium
● Occupation and vocation - If you are in a high-risk occupation, say as a stuntman or a pilot, etc. or you pursue high-risk hobbies like rock climbing, racing, etc, it can increase your premium