
The Long Read

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Yes, you can! 


In fact, you should buy term insurance as early as possible because within the first 20 weeks of your pregnancy your term plan will get approved as if you are not pregnant. If you apply after 20 weeks, the insurer may ask you to postpone.


Don't fret. You can just buy it as a push present for yourself later!


Of course, this will vary on a case-by-case basis and will depend on your unique needs. So talk to an insurance advisor to get more clarity.

Never! That’d be a big mistake. 


See, as a thumb rule, you should always reveal every single piece of information about your health conditions to your life insurance company when you are buying a term plan. That includes your pregnancy too. Being pregnant may cause complications (such as during childbirth) and the condition could pose more risk to the insurer. 


Remember, hiding any health condition from your insurer may result in claim rejection later on. 


So always inform them about your pregnancy when you are buying term insurance. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. 

Good question. That depends on a few factors. 


See, if you are applying for a term plan when pregnant, you need to disclose the following to your insurer without fail at the time of the application:


  • Your pregnancy

  • Any history of pregnancy complications such as miscarriage, abortion and so on 


Depending on your pregnancy stage, one of the following will happen:


  • 20 weeks or less pregnant: Your application will be approved just like a normal, non-pregnant person, provided you meet the other criteria successfully


  •  After 20 weeks: Your insurer will postpone your term insurance application 


If you have disclosed your pregnancy at the time of your application, then we have good news for you. Be assured your nominee will be in good hands even if you pass away from pregnancy complications including miscarriage, abortion etc. 


Remember, this will always depend on your case and will also vary from insurer to insurer. Speak to your insurer or an insurance advisor today for more information.